artma Artists

Artist: Susan Lee

Sue, embarked on a journey of self-discovery during the initial phase of the COVID pandemic. Living independently with her three feline companions, she recognized the need for a fulfilling pursuit to combat the challenges of isolation. This realization led her to the world of painting. Venturing into the realm of art, Sue took the initiative to teach herself to paint. Armed with canvases, brushes, and acrylics ordered online, she delved into creating her unique interpretation of poppies. What began as a simple artistic endeavor blossomed into a captivating series of paintings, with poppies taking center stage in an ever-expanding collection. Sue's artistic expression became a joyful outlet, marked by bold and vibrant colors, expansive imagery, and a fearless exploration of various mediums, including wood and paper. Beyond her artistic endeavors, Sue is a compassionate force in the community. She co-founded the Sock It To Em Sock Campaign, a nonprofit dedicated to providing new socks for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness. Since its inception in 2012, the campaign has made a significant impact, distributing over 1.2 million pairs of new socks to those in need across all fifty states. In her personal life, Sue is a proud parent to two grown sons, three grown stepchildren, and six grandchildren. She leads an active, happy, and productive life. To explore more of Sue's art and support her creative journey, you can visit Sue's story is a testament to the joy and fulfillment that can be found in embracing creativity and making a positive impact on the lives of others.