artma Artists

Artist: Rebecca Ward

Painter. Coddiwomple traveler. Rebecca grew up at the base of her beloved Rocky Mountains. Her favorite place is above timberline where you can see for miles and the skies change within an instant. The forests and streams speak to her. She and her husband travel the West as often as they can in their van Celeste, choosing a direction and heading out—intentionally but without destination; a vagary. Visiting canyons, streams, flower-filled alpine meadow, snowy peaks. The love of the West worms its way into every painting Rebecca does sometimes revealing a landscape, sometimes just a feeling. Rebecca’s paintings evoke grasslands, buffalo clouds, thunderstorms, mountains, forests and canyons. She is wonderstruck by these vistas and they come through her work. Not one for direct reproduction, her technique is vibrant and she shows her hand in paint, scrapings, and drawings on her canvases which finds emotional space rather than fidelity to a scene. Rebecca is also a beekeeper so when she discovered encaustic and cold wax she was enthralled. She makes her own encaustic and her bees contribute their waxy cappings from the honeyframes to the process. She is interested in making her own cold wax but hasn’t yet found the recipe that works quite right. Rebecca has her degree in studio art from Colorado State University where she learned foundational practices. She also learned graphic design and became a designer for print and web before returning to painting in earnest.